
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

BP Gulf Oil Spill's Walking Dead - Salem-News.Com

Many of us were raised to believe that our local, state and federal servants were supposed to honor a sworn oath and dedication to Protecting People.

In this current disaster, we have seen the Federal Government, President Obama & Congress Stand Down and allow the Prime Suspect in what may be the world's greatest mad made disaster by negligence, to control the crime scene and use some of the World's deadliest chemicals in an uncontrolled experiment which has destroyed all kinds of life around the Gulf, the Nation and Mexico, with no end in sight.

We have seen first hand accounts of local Gulf residents and on the ground independent marine biologists, toxicologists, shrimpers, residents and advocates which are The Opposite of official and mainstream media reports. We must believe in Our People with no financial or political gain over the propaganda generated by the White House, BP & Others, which are in the final analysis, pure fabrications, lies and deceptions which aids an ongoing disaster and fraud upon all people.

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