We're cranking up our search for alternatives to Facebook, Google and Yahoo due to the recent exposure of their links to the N.S.A.'s secret digital privacy invasion & personal info data mining, storage and resale operations conducted on U.S. Soil against private citizens engaging in the expression of their natural, human, constitutional & cvil rights as free people.
Therefore, the first alternative being considered is at LibertyPod.Org. It is a plain looking site for now and needs YOUR PARTICIPATION in order to test it prope
HERE IS THE TEST SITE: https://libertypod.org/u/sf_social_justice_network

If you look to the right top side of the main page, you'll see the name of it's location on libertypod.org is:
SF Social Justice Network
This name was chosen as a result of the public cries we heard at the Jack Spade Gentrification Meeting ( see: https://www.facebook.com/events/724487954234986/ ) to get together some Centralized Point of contact for us all, in common struggles, to be on the same site - as one - instead of spread out all over on sites and pages (like Facebook) which are commericalized, distracting and actually divide us on sub-issues.
On this site, the commonest issues that affect us all will be addressed.
You are all free to help us build up a New Public Governing Body which shares resources to empower individuals and localized groups everywhere along a few basic, most common issues that we can all agree upon, as one body. Body of The People.
So, we're going to figure out if this site or some other can be configured to have all of our common resources, contacts and sub-groups or working teams or individual heros, combine forces at one location to get the most and best we can out of each other and our local communities.
For our common defense and mutual support along the lines of thinking and intent that went into our nations (and states') foundational rights, laws and common ways of doing things that protects our individual human rights according to how our local communities see fit to do with a minimal amount of control or burdens by the state or federal governments.
Every person in these united States is entitlted to be protected by local or other governments in order to be free and prosper.
When federal and state governments Fail in their Duty to protect us and provide for our most basic needs for all of our people in great need, then its Our Duty to Rise Up and encircle our selves, our families; blocks, streets & communities at the local level. We must flush out of our towns, those who are causing or enabling the top down frauds, thefts and abuse of powers, in the first place.
In the second place, we must occupy the seats of all local & state boards, committees and governing bodies who are enabling or allowing top down schemes to negatively impact our lives; health; longevity & ability to be and live where we are and in some cases, have been living freely for decades & generations before this most recent wave from the east coast and beyond has hit us these past 2 decades or so.
Lastly, we must replace folks in power at the state and federal level who prefer to spend our tax dollars on war, invasions, weapons and murder, under a mad man's scheme of Austerity and Sequestration ( aka audacity & castration) which HARMS US ALL while they wallow like fat pigs in barrels of record profits and caviar.
They lost $3 Trillion (the D.O.D., private security contractors, military command, private federal reserve corporation and others) over the past 2 decades and have the nerve to claim to have right or authority to not only fail to meet all of our veteran, elderly, poor & disabled folks' needs, but have the nerve to come along and play games with our budgets and steal food stamp money & more ??
This group of united locals with statewide & global reach is the goal. To be united on those issues that affect us all. We've seen recent gains in overwhelming numbers of people like you speaking out and pushing back and WINNING. Monsanto's latest defeat was spectacular. The recent awakening of all to the mass evictions (vis a The San Francisco Lee Family Story - Unjust Ellis Act Evictions and the new Eviction Mapping Project) has shown we have a clear & present danger of a public safety & health crisis hazard due to the exponential rise in forced evictions of all kinds, across the board.
Not only here in San Francisco but likely in all 3,000+ counties from coast to coast, or at least the most popular ones being artificially 'pumped up' markets designed to fail later on a timetable known only to the elite banks and others running the market scams.
"New' or so called 'expanding' markets in real estate are not based on normal vacancies (as we'd see if we all had viable job creation not debt creation) but they are based on forced, unjust foreclosures during a time of great depression and record unemployment & impoverishment. They're making mega profits by causing job loss, homelessness and division of our families and communities everywhere with help from corrupted government agencies, planners, inspectors and board of supervisor members and mayors, et al.
Together, we are the answer. Most of us are heads of hubs or other groups of folks who knwo us for our honesty, integrity and ability to listen to The People and expose the corruption and take back what has been corrupted or tainted back unto our selves and our local communities for our very survival and mutual defense & hopeful prosperity & security for us all, together.
Peace out. Please join us at our new test site and help us grow it out to see if it will meet our needs for the next two years or so.
James, David, Tammy, Mike, Ninja James & your usual pirates, rabble rousers and justice seekers who are down to help us all help ourselves and protect the people & places we love and care about. You are all worth defending in the name of what's truly right and just.
Join Us Here:
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