A former contractor who worked for BP claims the oil conglomerate broke federal laws and violated its own internal procedures by failing to maintain crucial safety and engineering documents related to one of the firms other deepwater production projects in the Gulf of Mexico, according to internal emails and other documents obtained by Truthout..... click here for more - http://www.blacklistednews.com/?news_id=8581 ...

SFAWARENESS Is A Public Blog Dedicated to Increasing Awareness of the People, Policies, Processes, Practices, Conduct & Behaviors Harming Good People of San Francisco & Beyond. Common "Cause & Effects". Realize That What Each One Of Us Does or Fails To Do - Has Consequences To ALL of Us Living & Working In Our Communities. We Focus on Social Justice, Abuse of People, Power & Corruption. SF Awareness Group (c)2007-2019
Monday, October 4, 2010
Whistleblower: BP Risks More Massive Catastrophes in Gulf - BlackListed News
A former contractor who worked for BP claims the oil conglomerate broke federal laws and violated its own internal procedures by failing to maintain crucial safety and engineering documents related to one of the firms other deepwater production projects in the Gulf of Mexico, according to internal emails and other documents obtained by Truthout..... click here for more - http://www.blacklistednews.com/?news_id=8581 ...
BREAKING Naples-area tests show chemical compounds that can only come fr...
David Bowie would sing... THIS is NOT -- A-MER-ICA.....
Pssst! Are You Awake Yet! Share this with family & make friends with your neighbors...
Tests find sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit's 2-Dr. Scott Johnson
Scary Stuff, But True ! Happy BP Halloween !!
BTW, MOST IMPORTANT LINK [click here] for Videos which may explain why YouTuber User: 'DeepwaterSays' keeps telling us all to buy commerical grade gas masks & suits like the one he wears in his public safefty alert videos.
All hidden by BP, Obama, EPA & Paid Off Mainstream Media...
BP Denies Corexit on Dauphin Island When Confronted With Photos
Click Here To Send Us Your Real Life Gulf Stories via Email TO: SFHomeless@yahoo.com
Sunday, October 3, 2010
U.S. Conducted Syphilis Experiments in Guatemala Without Consent | The News is NowPublic.com
diseases could never have been part of a tax funded government experiment, in secret ?
Most high tech electronics, medical processes, chemicals & weapons first go through secret labs inside the military industrial complex (Global Banks+Operation Paperclip Nazi Experimenter Types into Eugenics...) to make sure the best is kept for governmental military useage. Retail Consumer technology is about 30 years behind the stuff the military & Nazi lab coat types play with every day. You have 5 watt walkie-talkies, they have 5 Megawatt transmitters. You have a shot gun they have microwave & sound weapons to wipe out a block of people at a time.
We have a disparity between health & sickness; poverty & wealth; digital divides and governments with overwhelingly powerful weapons which are all an inbalance that must be adjusted to put all people onto an even footing with the governments who are to rule by our permission - not by our economic or fear induced enslavement or Tyranny.
U.S. Conducted Syphilis Experiments in Guatemala Without Consent | The News is NowPublic.com