Well, well, well. After several individuals (see: 1percentsf.blogspot.com ) worked hard over decades to expose the corruption in our city and nearby counties, state and nation -- we were delighted to see today's SF Examiner.
However, as we crack open bottles to toast and cheer, keep in mind that we have much more to uncover, as we all dig deeper into the cess pool of corruption that brought us Chase Bank, Massive Displacement, Grand Theft of Local Cash Flows (by so-called disruptive technologies which are merely Fraud Devices disguised as helpful devices and apps), wholesale visa profiteering ( by the Lee & Brown Visa For Sale Travel Agency), displacement of over 20,000 Local Businesses and 20,000 residents over the past few years alone.
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SF Examiner Aug 5, 2015 FBI Probe |
Wall Street, JP Morgan, Chase stole over 50 Million Homes over generations -- using Rackets of local business associations, banks, county-city planners, police, sheriffs, courts, recorder's offices financed by Drug Enforcement Grants by the Feds and States, which permitted them to target land they want, put on false sceptic tank reports, 'red tags' and other fake violations.
And then use lawyers to 'bury them all in paperwork' until the land owners are broke or in jail (which makes it easy to foreclose or seize your land while incarcerated or detained but no one tells the civil court, so you lose your land without due process).
Then the loan companies used outsourced and domestic and imported temp workers to process Trillions of dollars worth of real estate paperwork, deeds, notes, titles and more but DID NOT CARE ABOUT ACCURACY. I worked at Accredited Home Loans and saw it all, from inside one of the largest 'secondary' market loan firms in the nation. So, all those originals were stashed into World Trade Center Building Seven, the one that didn't get hit by a plane but blew inward and was taken down upon orders by the Building Owner, which destroyed tons of Deeds and Evidence of other crimes, all in one spot.
The 'diluted securities' were mainly sold to unsuspecting Banks of China, Germany and Japan who were Defrauded since they can't produce any Original, Inked Documents, Deeds or Notes in Foreclosure Proceedings, which rightfully enable the Judge to severe the Title From the Banks, free and clear back to the Owner, paid off in full, since the banks all committed Massive Fraud, hidden by 9/11 destruction of all kinds of real estate fraud evidence and so much more.
We made sure the entire cradle to grave story of how Wall Street & London City and their Texas and Florida Partners SCREWED all the people of these united States, stole their lands and homes under 80+ years of orchestrated Prohibition and Drug War and Prison Building Frauds. AND sold the rotten paper to the Banks of China, Germany & Japan, essentially defrauding the entire world, all at once, using 'Terrorism' here, there and everywhere as their Grand or Master Distraction device. Fear.
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Speaking of fear, we've now uncovered many locals who are sure they know the man in custody for the Steinle 'Shooting' Incident at Pier 14 on July 1, 2015.
We've researched back to the .40 Caliber itself and found lots of ocnflicting info, mostly lies.
In fact, we discovered the Sao Paulo Military Police rejected and sent back 98,000 Smith & Wesson, Taurus DS Police Tactical Special Pistols because they were accidentially shooting each other due to defect which enabled guns to fire without touching the trigger, with or without the safety on, by shaking or upon sudden impact or dropping on the ground.
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98,000 S&W .40 Caliber Taurus Police Pistols Rejected By Brazil |
So for all any of you know, the T-Shirt was stuffed into the trigger area, without the Required (by BLM Agency Policy & 1997 Executive Order for Trigger Locks for all Fed Agents when gun is not on their person or out of their immediate custody) Trigger Lock, and when pulled, the gun fired, with or without a safety.
No Human Intent or Touch by Hand Required to Discharge a Defective or Set Up Gun.
In fact, we discovered our State Attorney General Kamala Harris, may have not only misled us all by stating "Lopez-Sanchez" was a 'Murderer' without facts in hand, but as an attorney, its quite unethical to be stating as fact ANYTHING prior to having all facts present and until after trial, to make that kind of a determination.
It causes prejudice to the case and can cause local juries to be tainted (since Kamala is well known here in the Bay Area) and as An Attorney, how could she not thought herself more like a sworn officer of the courts instead of a politiican or person in need of attention or 'acceptance' into a mob mentality group, headed off to D.C. to con Congress and The American Public, without facts in hand.
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Duly Elected SF Sheriff Mirkarimi Goes On Offensive! Yeah! |
So, now we have all our SF locals over time (and their underlings and 'interns' who are now high up in power) doing and saying unreasonable, prejudicial, judgemental things based on nothing. But in the spotlight with Talking Heads who also made Assumptions, being Pelosi and Feinstein.
We (about a half dozen locals) think we personally know Mr. Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez (from a few months ago AND over the 2013-2014 time frames) and we agree, he's a frail, basically harmless man with trauma and drug and liquor problems.
He says clearly (when asked clearly in spanish in the local news 47 minute 'interview') picked up a T-Shirt with a Fed Gun that all ( feds, mass media, local media, gun control and prison builder hater groups) remain so silent on the Core Issue of Cause of this death.
The Status, Condtion and Circumstances behind why and how this Fed Gun was kept, not kept, stored, locked up or not, with trigger lock or not and left in public space in broad daylight, all day, is crucial to moving forward with any conclusion or judgment about this case or whether it was the gun at fault, the fed agent at fault for creating the situation to exist in the first place.
We personally know Mr. Lopez-Sanchez (until we know otherwise) and can't see him ever trying to shoot a gun, let alone have a gun and surely, never aim and fire a gun.
Everything else is guesswork.
But, Feds and Corporate Prison Building Interests and Haters DRAGGED THE STEINLE FAMILY to Washington, D.C. to Exploit them in a Rush to push us to hate and make radical changes that will never stop any person from picking up a Fed Gun that was left on a busy pedestrian area in broad daylight.
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CA AG Harris-Steinle Case-Lets Not React To That One MURDER. |
But how fast the Accusations of Murderers and how viscious the Fox News Actors were and how so many unfamiliar with trauma, shootings, human personas rushed to use Lopez-Sanchez's words as a bona-fide 'confession'.
As opposed to being viewed as the utterances of a man being asked double questions in English by a skilled news actor, under duress.
As opposed to being viewed as the utterances of a man being asked double questions in English by a skilled news actor, under duress.
If you know spanish you can hear him say he feels 'sad' but he does not fell 'bad'. In Mexico and its culture, words on feelings are cut and dry. If you 'feel bad' it's because you think or acknowledge you've done something 'bad' meaning with intent and guilt.
But, if you cause any harms by accident, without intent, you NEVER say you feel bad (as in our slang english useage, I feel bad for that person's loss.. etc.) you say you feel 'sad' for the losses of that person or sad because of a human mistake that led to a tragedy.
But, if you cause any harms by accident, without intent, you NEVER say you feel bad (as in our slang english useage, I feel bad for that person's loss.. etc.) you say you feel 'sad' for the losses of that person or sad because of a human mistake that led to a tragedy.
Watch the 47 Minute Channel 7 'Interview' to see how flawed and misleading it truly is. Only folks already in hate mode or who never lived in other cultures would see it as anything close to 'a valid or meaningful confession' of any 'legal guilt' for 'murder'.
Again, even our Attorney General climbed aboard the Hate, Blame & Change It All Bandwagon.
While 'saying' "Let's Not Over-react' she calls Steinle Case A MURDER. Does she have FACTS it was a Murder ? I don't.
I haven't SEEN ANY FACTS to show if the Fed Gun Fired by itself upon opening of T-Shirt (could happen to anyone) or if nudged, dropped or kicked (which could have happened to anyone) which caused it to discharge the round that unfortunately (i.g. fate, not man made laws, blame, hate) struck down the Steinle Angel.
We have no prints, GSR test results, video, explanation of how the Fed Gun was stored, if stolen from locked or unlocked vehicle, trunk, lock box and did it have a Trigger Guard which PREVENTS OR SLOWS DOWN ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE or a Defect in the manufacturing. Do We ?
I haven't SEEN ANY FACTS to show if the Fed Gun Fired by itself upon opening of T-Shirt (could happen to anyone) or if nudged, dropped or kicked (which could have happened to anyone) which caused it to discharge the round that unfortunately (i.g. fate, not man made laws, blame, hate) struck down the Steinle Angel.
We have no prints, GSR test results, video, explanation of how the Fed Gun was stored, if stolen from locked or unlocked vehicle, trunk, lock box and did it have a Trigger Guard which PREVENTS OR SLOWS DOWN ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE or a Defect in the manufacturing. Do We ?
But this 'role model' attorney in power, said MURDER.
Not Homicide investigation or accidental or just plain shooting.... her mind has already been made up, based on emotion or hate or bias or maybe she knows facts that we don't know. Problem is, all those Talking Heads run Out Of Control Often (we think due to drugs, pharma, liquor, trauma, intimidation or grooming and programming) without facts in hand and cause us all to panic and do things and say things that ARE NOT RIGHT that may come back to bite us all later.
Which only puts more fear into our hearts for no good reason and gives more money and power to the men who are creating these deceptions, in the first place.
What a blessing that most of my closest peers, researchers and legal help do NOT do any pharma drugs, narcotics or drink liquor, so we can see all of you who do and see what you all do and say, crystal clear.
We pray all will leave the Steinle Family ALONE to grieve and we pray FACTS will come out to prove or disprove accident, murder, gun defect or fed setup to everyone's satisfaction and above all, to honor Kate Steinle and prevent an Injustice to her, Mr. Lopez-Sanchez or the General Public.
They create these mass media cons by way of runaway assumptions and Florida Style Railroading by The Elite and Candidates for Office who disgust me when they exploit Grieving, often naive families and the general public.
Shame on them all and Congress who are part of the charade and manufactured 'outrage' against what and who ? A broken down 3rd grade educated foreigner, whom we know and believe causes no harm or bad will towards ANY ONE, as part of his nature, his character and conduct.
We believe now, he (Mr. Lopez-Sanchez) was a perfect fall guy for a planted pistol. Did any of you think of that in wake of Jade Helm, Uber on Homeland Security Board and Urban Shield and New Officers funded here and in major cities from coast to coast ?
They're spending Billions, right now, to keep us all in a state of fear and dependency, upon them !
Look at How They Exploited The Steinle Family for Mega Ad Revenue, Hate & Mega Prison Funding Purposes, truly disgusting way to treat a family in grief who should have been left alone by everyone.
Later, when ALL facts come out, you all an say or do something intelligent or important from The Truth you learn in this case, not by spitting out mindless assumpations that have no basis in fact.
Peace out.
Moderators - SF Awareness Group (c) 2007-2015
UPDATE FRIDAY - AUGUST 7, 2015 - YouTube Video Uploaded:
Now On YouTube:
SF Mayor Elect 'Belle Starr' Vindicated by FBI Probe of Mayor Ed Lee, Willie Brown-VID 2015 200253 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn75qYGwY0s
Attorney, Mayor Elect Whistleblower 'Belle Starr' Vindicated by Today's Front Page Story in the San Francisco Examiner (for profit local news rag) on FBI probe into SF Mayor Edwin Lee (Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire, Leave You In A City Hall Bomb Threat To Die), San Francisco Board of Supervisor London Breed and many others.
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Mayor Candidate Belle Starr Reacts to FBI Probe of Mayor Lee |
Many more names and facts to come, as your SF Peoples' Fraud Task Force and Peers march full steam ahead in solidarity with many local groups of all types.
Taking back power from those we no longer trust is necessary now, more than ever.
We can't lose Major Tourist Revenue from upcoming Major Events with Individuals in Office, like soon to be ex-Mayor Lee and other -- all being suspected of Federal Felonies while in Office, which if they remain in office, will harm us all in so many ways.
In accordance with Mayor Lee's Policy of SUSPENDING City Officials upon serious allegation; we, The People of the City & County Of San Francisco, do hereby Demand that the Accused Mayor Lee and all other Public Officials, Staff, et al. be immediately SUSPENDED from positions and REPLACED in Accordance with City & County Charters, Effective Immediately.
If we do not Treat them, as they have treated us, then what is this thing you call Justice, Anyway?
Time to Widen Our Circle The Wagon tactic to cover all of the SF Bay Area. Later, Northern California, California proper and the rest of the nation. Taking back Power, Trust and Cash Flows to each local community. Reverse the grand theft and plundering of the elite, from coast to coast.
We, San Franciscans must recognize our Duty to pave the way for all residents and citizens of these united States.
We've asked The Honorable Mayor Gayle McLaughin, of Richmond, California to REACH OUT to our Trusted local officials to bolster up our ability to Root Out corruption throughout the Bay Area with Our Friends and Neighbors who are in need of Our Support and research skills to keep their communities safe, as well.
The Elite operate in nearly all 3,000+ U.S. Counties and Our People in San Francisco and The SF Bay Area Are World Class Leaders and Role Models.... right Gavin ?
What.. that's right.. San Francisans are World Class Leaders, Whether ya' Like It or Not.
Peace Out!