Many of us have been fighting corruption, tyranny, abuse, gentrification and privatization for years, decades and generations.
We've seen our city and others around the nation become decimated by gentrification and renegade corporations take over space, push out residents by the tens of thousands and steal local cash flows for their non-taxed, foreign owned mega global corporations (from UK, largely).

You only get full value for tax dollars paid into public services, when they operate at cost in non-profit models that keep all the cash flows local.

Ok. We know G4S (and contracted militarized personnel like them) attacked the water protectors, natives and supporters. And involved with Orlando Pulse, and on and on.
That's an example of the big enemies we have that harm us and take our cash from us.
On the micro level, we have seen another kind of destruction to us that's centered around those damn distractive devices. Not only do they cause 400,000 new accidents a year, we never had before, but the number of assaults and strong arm robberies of our devices, purses, wallets, laptops and personal property has skyrocketed.

One woman who saw the postings we made on Active Cell Phone Theft Area posting about the 16th & Valencia Street area that has three groups we've identified from numerous victims and witnesses.

They tried to get her and her cell phone & purse, but she was already aware -- she yelled, fought back and ran.
Yes, she came back another day with friends and now sees them and calls attention to them at the fish market.
Gott go, but here's the post: