( drafted July 18th, 2017 & overlooked until today 10/1/2018 & published)
While studying the recent Trump-Centric media stories about "Fake News" we decided to review what's happening with the "Conspiracy vs Fact" world.
Many journalists, researchers, historians, investigators and "media outlets" and "think tanks" have been producing a plethora of "facts", "conspiracy theories" and outright propaganda that overwhelms us all.
While studying the recent Trump-Centric media stories about "Fake News" we decided to review what's happening with the "Conspiracy vs Fact" world.
Many journalists, researchers, historians, investigators and "media outlets" and "think tanks" have been producing a plethora of "facts", "conspiracy theories" and outright propaganda that overwhelms us all.
People in my peer groups, consist of a large number of elders who "know things" from first hand and second hand (info coming from close, trusted or known reliable sources) sources, going back many decades.
Many come from older families who passed on core knowledge, principles and experiences that are highly trusted and reliable.
Many come from older families who passed on core knowledge, principles and experiences that are highly trusted and reliable.
Meanwhile, as real facts and knowledge has been passed down and confirmed by word of mouth exchanges for generations -- Likewise, media channels and propaganda operations have tried to diminish or otherwise hide the truths known and shared amongst insiders and long time 'activists' and whistleblowers.
The Elite do this by calling them derogatory names (i.g. disgruntled employees, troublemakers, rabblerousers, mud rakers) and try to attach misleading names, labels and stereotypes (i.g. Hippies, Old People, Over 30, Conspiracy Theorists, Pot Heads, Homeless, Crazy, Paranoid) onto them (in movies and "cartoons" like Family Guy which essentially accepts pedophiles, incest and abuse as common and normalized) to distract the masses (consumer audiences, handheld device addicts) from the truth or veracity of stories and messages, no matter where they come from.
The Elite do this by calling them derogatory names (i.g. disgruntled employees, troublemakers, rabblerousers, mud rakers) and try to attach misleading names, labels and stereotypes (i.g. Hippies, Old People, Over 30, Conspiracy Theorists, Pot Heads, Homeless, Crazy, Paranoid) onto them (in movies and "cartoons" like Family Guy which essentially accepts pedophiles, incest and abuse as common and normalized) to distract the masses (consumer audiences, handheld device addicts) from the truth or veracity of stories and messages, no matter where they come from.
One controversial topic (that we thought was settled and proven) has to do with who started Al Qaeda and hired Usama bin Laden to import terrorists into Afghanistan in 1979 - to set up training camps near the border to aggravate the Russians into attacking, which they did in December of 1979.
A Trap (provocation) set up by the US CIA, ordered by President Jimmy Carter.
While researching this topic, we saw a Wikipedia post that stated it was a "Conspiracy Theory" that said statement being true!
I could not believe, in 2017, the fact that Jimmy Carter ordered his National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski (Polish) to hire Usama bin Laden (Saudi Arabia) to create training camps near the Russian Border inside Afghanistan using extreme Islamic Terrorists to provoke the Russians into attacking, is shown on Wikipedia as a 'Theory' or 'Conspiracy Theory'.
I've SEEN a copy of the presidential order or directive, saying so, signed by Jimmy Carter in the summer of 1979.
So, it appears that Wikipedia has either been changed or never did catch up to the facts about such a major event that has led to the creation of more CIA backed Terrorist Groups and Acts around the globe.
So, it appears that Wikipedia has either been changed or never did catch up to the facts about such a major event that has led to the creation of more CIA backed Terrorist Groups and Acts around the globe.
Information about this was published on our blogs or on the largest global citizen journalists site NowPublic.com which was bought, gutted and destroyed by Anshutz finance company, who owns Examiner.com
Had we not seen the actual order by President Carter and read the interviews with Brzezinski in which he admits same (albeit in a twisted no we didn't, yes we did manner) it would be a Theory about a Conspiracy.
It's the same time frame of the order authorizing the hiring of Usama bin Laden (for purposes of importing and organizing terrorists from the middle east into Afghanistan) but goes a bit farther.

Provoking other sovereign nations into attacking "third world" nations using propaganda and psychological warfare, at home and abroad using taxpayer dollars and deception.
It's just plain wrong. Our past leaders in government and corporations (and in their revolving doors) have been so unprincipled and war mongering and deceptive, it sickens my stomach.
I was raised in many states and other nations on solid values of being honest, doing no harm and to trust our 'leaders' who are supposed to protect our lands, rivers, oceans, lives and food supplies and societies to better us all.
Too many people now text while driving, biking, babysitting, walking, skating focussed more on the images on their devices than the humans, animals and life around them, everywhere. 400,000 MORE people harmed each year in the U.S. due to Distracted People !
Tried to find that original presidential order and it's proven to take much more time to find than it did about ten years ago, when I had copies of it and helped write blog posts about it.
I did reach the Jimmy Carter Archives and did find something officially registered called "A Finding" (by the president).
When I first saw this I got chills down my spine thinking about how often and easy it is, for men in power to breaks laws and treaties and acts of bad will to cause war, pain and suffering for trillions of dollars in profit and oil.
When I read presidential orders or documents like this or like when we saw Bush use reverse engineered "logic" (without foundation in proof) and legal justifications and word twisting to sanction torture, kidnapping and murder, at will, in secret, without protections of due process, treaties and good rule of law -- it makes me feel ashamed to be a "U.S. Citizen".
I really have to stop here.
After having worked at over 200+ major corporations in banking, finance, software, hardware, high tech, investment, real estate firms and government agencies -- for decades -- I often become sad at all of the for mega profit harm and premature death caused by massive corporations, institutions, war mongers, haters, abusers and individuals throughout the world.
I'm so grateful to all the people and peer groups and independent journalists I've encountered over decades (and with intel, military, legal and police contacts made) who all perceive the world in a very mature, adult and sobering manner.
Not charmed or deceived by never ending propaganda machines that are all around us and inside our homes, offices, streets and distracted devices and cell phone androids and ipods.
We (semi-enlightened and fairly reasonable and sane folks) are unfortunately, surrounded by large numbers of people who spend more time interacting with devices, busy trying to 'live like' the images and lifestyles being pumped into them by way of music, video, gaming, app and mass media channels, 24/7.
These folks spend more time with 'things' and CNN type hype channels than they do with their elders in their community, their children, family, pets and neighbors.
The more we see 'them' out of touch with real life while addicted to the for profit machines -- the more often my friends reduce their useage. Many of us spend less than an hour total staring at or using their hand held devices.
Instead, we make more friends, see more stuff in our neighborhood and have many more close, diverse relationships and exchanges and community building, because we value reality more than video landia. We live here and now, not there or then in online world.
We've found it better to be more critical thinking and have more human interactions in real life now, than to be in an addictive, screen staring Passive Mind State in which all is taken in and stored (accepted) without filters, debate or vetting.
I'll be updating this post more another time.
Be safe wherever you go and whatever you do in this wild, crazy, upside down world we live in...