San Francisco, California - Nov 13, 2017 -- Work In Progress
(Updated: 11/16/2017 - See Below for Additions)
Details found about the security guard company (that may have been hired by SalesForce for the Annual DreamForce 2017 Event, as part of a 30 person hiring spree) named GUARDIAN PROTECTION SECURITY, of Pleasanton, California -- newly incorporated or ownership recently transferred (Aug 2017) as indicated by these internet search results.
This is the incident, this past week, in which INVITED and BADGED 'low income' attendees from local coder group dev/Mission -- were given 'cheap looking' badges and Security Guards at the DreamForce 2017 Event exemplified CLASS BIAS & PREDJUDICE against San Francisco Mission District area locals who were told "YOU DON'T BELONG HERE" as they ejected the student group for no just cause.
The conduct and behavior of the students was not a factor - simply their 'appearances'.
They were kicked out because of how they or their badges looked. Very strange.
A prudent internet search revealed Job Postings by Guardian Protection Security in San Francisco (Local Office: Pleasanton, CA) whose most recent incorporation (or change of ownership registration, etc) was in August, 2017:
#BSIS #CACorp #SOSNoC4061326 Perhaps #GuardianProtectionSecurity hired #Biased #Hater #UDontBelongHere #Security #Guards At #Dreamforce for #SalesForce
**Update: Thu Nov 16 2017 - Miscellaneous Notes:
(Updated: 11/16/2017 - See Below for Additions)

According to Want Ads for security guards posted online and The California Secretary of State records, the Registered Owner/Agent of GUARDIAN PROTECTION SECURITY is FAWAD BAJAWORY, of Pleasanton, CA, as of August 2017, just a few months before the DreamForce 2017 event, at Moscone Center that took place the first week of November.

The conduct and behavior of the students was not a factor - simply their 'appearances'.
They were kicked out because of how they or their badges looked. Very strange.

#BSIS #CACorp #SOSNoC4061326 Perhaps #GuardianProtectionSecurity hired #Biased #Hater #UDontBelongHere #Security #Guards At #Dreamforce for #SalesForce
**Update: Thu Nov 16 2017 - Miscellaneous Notes:
A discrepancy exists, in knowing exactly which security company or registered
Agent/Owner is responsible for the offensive security guards in this
incident, because Multiple Security Company and Multiple Registered
Agent/Owners with different and similiar name spellings are on file with
state security agencies; Moscone's Approved Security List and Internet
ads and postings related therein.
In addition to a FAWAD BAJAWORY being shown on the internet at
Registered Owner/Agent of GUARDIAN PROTECTIVE SECURITY (of Pleasanton,
CA, office who purportedly posted want ads for guards for this
particular event two weeks beforehand), other names in other companies and states overlap and appear confusing, at first glance.
There are various links to
BAJAWORY and the Pleasanton Address to Other Security Companies; AND
other Registered Owner(s)/Agent(s) Named FARHAD BAJAWORY, DAVID SAYED,
SARAJ GEM RAY (related to Sexy Tuscon/Scottsdale Nights Out websites),
We don't know if FAWAD & FARHAD BAJAWORY are the same person or
not, but if it's the same person then some records, promos or websites
need to correct the Name Spelling difference.
Fawad or Farhad Bajawory's Name appears with these corporations and
websites with various Titles (i.e. Secretary, Treasurer, President,
etc.) and name spellings, so its a bit hard to figure out which
company(ies) and what the roles are over time and which offices may have
had the contract for the employees who ejected the invited students
that day.
At first blush... it just doesn't look right when one sees different or
confusing name spellings, locations, company names rotating around the
same corporate clients or events.
It's great when HOSTS are responsible for the people they hire and
are TRANSPARENT and up front about who did what and who works for who.
Once major corporations or hosts start trying to hide or cover up
the names of the corporations or people responsible for bad acts or
harms caused, we, the people, just get mad, get curious and get busy to
dig it all up, to find out why the obvious wasn't exposed or named, in
the first place.
Coverups just waste time, piss off the people and make you look bad.
Telling the truth and being transparent about who you hire who did
what, makes it easier to deal with the matters at hand, properly and
justly without wasting more time or making matters worse.
So many companies are corrupt today, every time we step into a
'cover-up, it's like a box of See's Chocolates. Never know what you
find until you break open the shells to see what's inside.
Don't forget how Potrero Safeway and G4S Secure Solutions (Pine St, SF,
CA; Florida; United Kingdom) waited months to answer the most simple
requests for the name of the Guard(s) and Guard Company involved in the
brutal assault on a shopper and his tiny dog Rosco in the March 2016 -
#WhoKilledRosco the dog case.
In that case, an underpaid former marine/football player licensed,
28 year old Security Guard named Charles Lamar Moore attacked the
shopper and kicked his dog over several hours, resulting in death.
Safeway & G4S knew who was involved and had videotape of the 'field
goal kick' to the dog, yet failed to respond to numerous requests for
the Guards' & Company's Registered Names and California Bureau of
Security & Investigations Licensing Numbers.
Many corporations that are not from here DO NOT CARE about our need to
know who is doing what to whom in our communities,, and will hide and
conceal the most basic of information that we all have a right to
because they don't seem to wake up every day with a committment to
proactively doing 'the right thing', as many of us do.
But rather, many 'newcomer', elite corporations and executives seem to be
on the run from one fraud or lie or avoidance of personal responsibility, in one case or another.
Because they pay lowest dollar possible and expect to have good
security and will do anything to avoid being responsible for anything.
When SHTF they simply shut down and leave town.
That why we MUST endeavor to replace all foreign owned (not from this
city) corporations who come here to take our space, our resources and
local cash flows, by any legal or illegal -- moral, amoral or immoral
ways and means for mega profits they take with them when they leave.
Disruptive technologies and renegade app service company operations in
your area means it's okay to destroy communities by not following
existing laws, rules and traditions without ever apologizing or paying
for the damages caused by the high tech fraud devices and schemes.
Very sad to see monopolies and opportunists corrupt our cities and
steal local cash flows, without meaningful oversight, right in plain
Serco Global (see postings elsewhere on this blog) from the United
Kingdom is leaading competitor to G4S Security in Privatization (at
lowest profit and wage possible) of public services; private and public
jails; immigration - refugee detention facilities, hospitals, etc.
Serco Global operates our city's parking meters for example. We don't
decide how they operate, what vehicle, credit card, personal data is
stored, used or sold or how much we're charged to park. It's up to
global controls and they take the local cash flows.
G4S Secure Solutions and many other not-from-here, elite, globally
owned corporations are inside our malls, grocery stores, county jails
and government benefit offices.
They are not locally owned. The contracts benefit elite in places
like Florida, New York, Wall Street, Texas & London in the United
Kingdom and the Kings and Princes of faraway lands like Saudi Arabia and
We should be creating, owning, operating our own security, parking
enforcement, public safety operations ourselves to regain maximum
benefits and controls over the activites that impact us all,
The 'essential services' we all need should never be for mega profits
under the control of elite, sketchy globalist out-of-town, state or
nation corporations because it never works to help us. It always harms
We must provide for ourselves using not for profit models using local
talents and locally owned and operated residents of our communities or
we will all lose out in the long run or the short run, depending on how
fast the elite in your community is gentrifying it and taking over your
spaces and local cash flows.