Shortly before Midnight last night, Wednesday April 8th, 2015 a friend was sitting at the light, in the bike lane with lights and reflectors on his bike, Eastbound on Market Street, at Geary/Kearny/Third Street Intersection headed towards the Embarcadero.
He had safety reflectors, front and back lights and was drively his bicycle lawfully and with usual if not extra care.

As he pulled away to cross the street, as the light had turned green, he barely made it to the other side of Third Street when a Muni Bus (possibly 71), behind and to his left, in the middle lane, came over into his lane near the curb (the bike lane).

The Muni Bus hit his back tire and frame at an angle, causing his bike to topple over like a somersault and he landed on his head, upon the curb at the Southeast Corner of Market and Third Streets, right in front of T-Mobile Store.
We can see cameras there and a big camera diagonally across the street on top of Kearney/Market Street Sign next to Chase Bank. Several witnesses came up to him and one told him not to move.
He was taken to San Francisco General Hospital, but was given poor care.
He's in pain, but they were 'busy' so they discharged him. He's going to get more care for his injuries at a local clinic.

Aside from injuries sustained this time, the Muni Driver failed to stop and render aid, but as he lay on the sidewalk he recalls seeing the Chase sign and seeing the bus driver looking at him, as he lay helpless and imobile on the street and curb.
We're meeting with attorney later this weekend and need all witnesses
to step forward to explain what they saw.

We also need to ID the Muni Bus and Driver
responsible for this tragic accident -- which makes the Third Time our
friend has been 'hit' by Muni Buses, the same way.
SFAwareness Group (c) 2007-2015
So far, SFMTA has NOT responded. We are seeking witnesses to this accident.