
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Obama Admin. Sued For Withholding BP Gulf Disaster Info

Apparently, President Obama is being sued because he lied to us all.

 He allowed the Prime Suspect of Major Crimes to take control of the Crime Scene; hide evidence; literaly bury evidence under new sand at the beaches;  and allowed BP to use one of the most lethal neurotoxins (Corexit) on land,  sea, air which is ILLEGAL TO USE in England & Canada, because they know it destroys Entire Eco-Systems, which is  happening to all of us, now!

 Obama, BP & Corrupte Senators have blocked alternative safe methods to deal this oil and methane disaster. The Lethal Corexit has now entered our food chain and is  causing destruction to people, land, water, marine life and crops around the nation and the world.  They chose to ignore SAFE, GREEN alternatives which would have eaten the oil, methane and all other hydrocarbons and produced clean Fish Food everywhere, instead of poison.

This about a President & Global Corporations trying to hide evidence, lying to the public (and Investors... who don't stray from mass media lie channels) to the point of hiding facts about lethal poisons which are  now, killing our people on YouTube, because all these leaders & power figures had financial interests that profit from lack of attention to safety standards & regulations.   They are corrupted by Global Corporations and banks who all profit from the suffering, sickness and death that will become millions of fish, plants crops, people and entire cities & states,  only because the Corexit was allowed to be used.

Shame on all Traitors who keep insisting on fraudulently putting Profits & Corporations & Governments ahead of people's lives & our most precious Mother Earth, from which all life, powers and all other systems come from --  not to be ruled by greedy men & failed systems who have no honor or respect for our people or our natural lands, waters, oceans and our treasured animal, plant & marine life.   Profit kills life we seek to protect. 

Every individual who is corrupted and causes harm for profit, must be brought down and put on trial to insure Justice for all life that has been harmed & destroyed by these
corrupted and ill minded leaders who have failed us all and violated their Oath of Office to defend Our People & Our Constitution.

Let the Grand Juries, World Courts & Public Trials Commence Now !!

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