Fri Mar 6, 2015 - Our teams have been overhearing many techies 'chat' (over the past 4 years) as they take over wifi space in cafes (running several high speed laptops and devices at once -- too cheap to rent offices for their For Profit activities, classes, etc.) and other public spaces.
We see them CLUTCHING their Hand Held Devices as they walk, drive and stand in a trance at cash registers; condiment tables (in everyone's way... unto their own egos and needs, not of those around them) being a 'cut off' unrealistic hazard to all around them and not 'being here now' like the rest of us.
They're all around us, distracted, often in Our Way and Inside Their Own Little World... Dis-Connected from real life around them, for thousands of hours a year... for many, many years.
Imagine, you local San Franciscans, if we had not used these devices as tools; limiting our time and dependency upon them.
If we had instead, spent as much of our lives tied into these petro chemical programming devices as we have with each other, with mother earth and animals and families, as we do, we'd be just like them by now.
Think how special you all are who spent 100 times more of your life interacting with living creatures, nature trails, trees, pets, humans, 200 cultures and traditions of real life instead of how many newcomers have spent almost their entire life, out of touch, time and contact with all the other life and ways of doing things and independent knowledge in favor of device programs.
Generally, for generations now, folks born and raised on the west coast tend to put humans, life, real time and animals and community ahead of money grubbing, power building and hand held devices, mass media la-la land ideas and fantasies and material objects.
So, we took notes and asked our peers what they think....
Many say most of what the newcomer techies, banksters, developers and others not-from-here do is steal space, resources and destroy our city's natural vibes, tempos, waves, traditions and life on a massive scale.
Just like an organized military invasion with some local leaders and the techie pawns themselves are being paid off, charmed and conned into displacing us, passing laws that violate human rights (Sit/Lie) and police force to control us, demonize us and rip us all off and drive us out of town.
This tiny example, of hordes of newcomers making 'big bucks' taking over our local cafes, that we use to TALK and congregate in to benefit our community. They get mad when locals or tourists actually chat and come together loudly in the cafes we've been going to for generations.
Our cafes are not Corporate Sub-Offices or Libraries or Churches of Conformity and Silence. Their misuse of our public spaces, cafes, commercial and housing stocks takes away space and wifi access to thousands of locals who are too poor to rent offices or pay $80 a month, for ever more too expensive cable internet access schemes...
So, thanks to what we've been observing about the newcomers' social, driving, walking and use of public spaces we started research in the direction of what shaped a vast percent of their groups perceptions, experiences, character, conduct and behavior, as a group.
It bugs us when they take over our resources, away from our folks most in need. They (our people most in need) must access internet just to make appointments, study, get work or pass the time while being poor and without. And they must talk in cafes where they are safe.
The new shops and upscale wannabe local mom and pops have already disrespected tens of thousands of locals who are 'not welcome' in their shops based upon appearance, reasonable free speech or other non-good faith reasons.
That's why we're now using non-FB social networks and tools for organizing complete end to end promotions for all of our local mom and pops, so we can drive what's left of our meager cash flows and that of the tourist groups we've built up over decades, to ONLY SHOP AT LOCAL MOM AND POPS HERE AND FROM COAST TO COAST.
The opposite of the newcomers who are bankrolled and imported as loyalists to Uncle Sam and Corporate Rule, who often see all of us who are busy living and surviving, not making bank and coniving, as in their way to their monetary and material object pursuits.
Today, we researched on Bing: "antisocial behavior" violence influence "thousands of hours" video ipod devices games "real life"
And here's what we learned (these results will go into our T Chart of Conduct and Behavior Differences between Long Time SF Residents vs. Newcomers, et al. to be published later this month..... fun, fun, fun....
Newcomers, in reality are like 20 years behind us on living, yet they think they're 20 years ahead because of their tech ideas in their heads but haven't lived (as most of us) for decades.. hysterically ironic.. and we've gone down the roads they are headed down, now ):
BING RESULT EXCERPT (minus the slick Amazon Ad Result stuck in middle):
1,780 results
We see them CLUTCHING their Hand Held Devices as they walk, drive and stand in a trance at cash registers; condiment tables (in everyone's way... unto their own egos and needs, not of those around them) being a 'cut off' unrealistic hazard to all around them and not 'being here now' like the rest of us.
They're all around us, distracted, often in Our Way and Inside Their Own Little World... Dis-Connected from real life around them, for thousands of hours a year... for many, many years.
Imagine, you local San Franciscans, if we had not used these devices as tools; limiting our time and dependency upon them.
If we had instead, spent as much of our lives tied into these petro chemical programming devices as we have with each other, with mother earth and animals and families, as we do, we'd be just like them by now.
Think how special you all are who spent 100 times more of your life interacting with living creatures, nature trails, trees, pets, humans, 200 cultures and traditions of real life instead of how many newcomers have spent almost their entire life, out of touch, time and contact with all the other life and ways of doing things and independent knowledge in favor of device programs.
Generally, for generations now, folks born and raised on the west coast tend to put humans, life, real time and animals and community ahead of money grubbing, power building and hand held devices, mass media la-la land ideas and fantasies and material objects.
So, we took notes and asked our peers what they think....
Many say most of what the newcomer techies, banksters, developers and others not-from-here do is steal space, resources and destroy our city's natural vibes, tempos, waves, traditions and life on a massive scale.
Just like an organized military invasion with some local leaders and the techie pawns themselves are being paid off, charmed and conned into displacing us, passing laws that violate human rights (Sit/Lie) and police force to control us, demonize us and rip us all off and drive us out of town.
This tiny example, of hordes of newcomers making 'big bucks' taking over our local cafes, that we use to TALK and congregate in to benefit our community. They get mad when locals or tourists actually chat and come together loudly in the cafes we've been going to for generations.
Our cafes are not Corporate Sub-Offices or Libraries or Churches of Conformity and Silence. Their misuse of our public spaces, cafes, commercial and housing stocks takes away space and wifi access to thousands of locals who are too poor to rent offices or pay $80 a month, for ever more too expensive cable internet access schemes...
So, thanks to what we've been observing about the newcomers' social, driving, walking and use of public spaces we started research in the direction of what shaped a vast percent of their groups perceptions, experiences, character, conduct and behavior, as a group.
It bugs us when they take over our resources, away from our folks most in need. They (our people most in need) must access internet just to make appointments, study, get work or pass the time while being poor and without. And they must talk in cafes where they are safe.
The new shops and upscale wannabe local mom and pops have already disrespected tens of thousands of locals who are 'not welcome' in their shops based upon appearance, reasonable free speech or other non-good faith reasons.
That's why we're now using non-FB social networks and tools for organizing complete end to end promotions for all of our local mom and pops, so we can drive what's left of our meager cash flows and that of the tourist groups we've built up over decades, to ONLY SHOP AT LOCAL MOM AND POPS HERE AND FROM COAST TO COAST.
The opposite of the newcomers who are bankrolled and imported as loyalists to Uncle Sam and Corporate Rule, who often see all of us who are busy living and surviving, not making bank and coniving, as in their way to their monetary and material object pursuits.
Today, we researched on Bing: "antisocial behavior" violence influence "thousands of hours" video ipod devices games "real life"
And here's what we learned (these results will go into our T Chart of Conduct and Behavior Differences between Long Time SF Residents vs. Newcomers, et al. to be published later this month..... fun, fun, fun....
Newcomers, in reality are like 20 years behind us on living, yet they think they're 20 years ahead because of their tech ideas in their heads but haven't lived (as most of us) for decades.. hysterically ironic.. and we've gone down the roads they are headed down, now ):
BING RESULT EXCERPT (minus the slick Amazon Ad Result stuck in middle):
1,780 results
Video Gaming And Its Impact On Society Media Essay
... aggressive and antisocial behavior ... The impact of violence in video games ... therefore guiding them to perform acts played on consoles in real life. (Video ...Video game controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia examined the relationship between exposure to violence through media and real-life, ... Video games may influence the ... encouraging anti-social behavior.Kids and Video Games : Are You a Concerned Parent? - … 03, 2012 · ... video games through a number of different devices and ... video games to escape from real-life ... of violent or antisocial behavior, ...Do violent video games cause behavior problems? | …
Children, Adolescents, and the Media:: Health Effects of homes with young children own a smartphone, a video iPod, ... one of the causal factors in real-life violence and ... video games contain violence, ...Video game controversies | QuickiWiki games may influence the learning of young ... a factor of encouraging anti-social behavior. ... al. "Violence exposure in real-life, video games ...The Modern Parents Guide to Kids and Video Games it’s likely that they will have experienced video games through a number of different devices ... real-life violence and video ... antisocial behavior.Effect of Media Exposure on Health - Frank W. Baker Violence Consumption ... how violent video games impact the development of moral ... more aggressive in real life is not ...Bartol and Bartol 2 - Scribd - Scribd - Read Unlimited Books Defining Crime and Delinquency Antisocial behavior and criminal behavior Cannot ... video games fantasy violence, ... desensitization to real-life violence.AMAZON AD FAKE RESULT SNIPPED
Blog Directory - - The New York Times ...; Most Popular; Edition: U.S. / Global. Search All Blogs. World; U.S. N.Y. / Region; Business; Technology; Science; Health; Sports; Opinion; Arts ...Youngstown News, Stories for July 2003 - The Vindicator"He is so busy surviving he is having no impact on the security ... High-tech devices alert drivers to ... The novel has intentional parallels to real-life people and ...Business Innovation: What Market Leaders Can Learn From ... planes and video games. ... they spend thousands and thousands of hours and millions upon ... the company's Devices and Consumer division increased 8 ...Children and Television Fifty Years of Research - Scribd and Television Fifty Years of Research ... Children and Television Fifty Years of ... among the first of any of the research on video games ...- Some results have been removed
And here's the CENSORED (aka Results Removed):
Oh, we can't get those cause Bing is keeping us safe from written words and photos...
golly, gee...
OK, we have no choice but to Google same, let google keep stuff hidden we never asked them to do for us and see what those hidden results are... ah, yes, here are the Google Results omitted...:
Video games, violence, and common sense - Gamasutra 2, 2013 - One of the central questions at hand is if violent video games cause ... Long-term effects are another challenge and their assumptions are arguably more intriguing
Gamasutra. .... Which in turn, influences and impacts their real life behavior. ... to thousands of hours of exposure to this conditioning has no impact on the ...
Missing:ipodVideo Games: Violent, Yes. But Do They Make Us Violent? 15, 2013 - Todd Martens examined video games in an article called “Violent video ... Know Your Terms: Shooting Stars, Dirty 'Snowballs' and Space Rocks on Earth .... tools for real-life violence because they talk about them or reference them? ... I'm 18, and I've played thousands of hours of video games in my time, ...
Missing:ipodEnding the Violent Game Debate | 31, 2013 - The violent video game debate is not new to America. ... most envelope-pushing efforts and worried about the effect they might be having on children playing them ... You're looking at things in terms of, 'How do I survive the situation? ..... utterly different from pulling a trigger to face real life consequences.
Missing:ipod[PDF]VIDEO GAMES ARE FUN, BUT ARE THEY BAD FOR YOU ... 8, 2010 - Other scholars observe people's real-life interactions with media and with ..... researchers interested in the effects of violent video games might administer a ..... A video game, an iPod, or a textbook? Media .... consumption in terms of ..... Antisocial behavior is contrary to prevailing norms for social conduct.[PDF]Presentation on media violence research to CAVA conference 23, 2006 - A large body of research exists on the harmful effects of exposure to violent ... In testifying before a U.S. Senate hearing on violent video games in 2000, ..... Runciman as "a laser disk that essentially looks like a real-life ... thousands of hours playing video games.29 .... acceptance of antisocial behavior."43.
Missing:ipodThe Nocturnal Rambler: Video Games in TV: Criminal Minds 13, 2013 - Part of a periodical series: Video Games in TV. ... the unsubs are this violent in real life, if they'd see evidence of it in their gaming history. ... to players who were banned from the game for their hostile, antisocial behavior. ... with new profiles (apparently they'd been playing the game for "thousands of hours, ...
Missing:ipod[PDF]fall 2013 - BCCPAC 17, 2013 - Breaking the cycle of violence ... Devices” and excerpts from a BCCPAC Board of Directors letter ... Together "Our Voice" can be influential and strong, so let's keep those ... many thousands of hours volunteering at schools to help make this .... the always popular video, Lost Youth, which depicts the real life ...Thoughts | Dreams and Deductions 8, 2014 - Paper #2, about potential positive uses of video games. ... fascinated by the artistic and technical elements embedded in quality games. ... I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours playing my beloved games, the bulk of .... negative side effects of gaming, such as addiction and antisocial behavior.[PDF]Changing the Game the Game. How Video Games Are Transforming the Future of Business. MAIN IDEA .... violence or antisocial behavior which exists. □ Solitaire (casual ... [PDF]part one meet your child's brain - Princeton University Taking breaks from studying to play video games. (d) All of ...... basic elements are in place, experience can influence the further development of the circuit by ...
Princeton UniversityDigital Quality of Life - SlideShare 30, 2009 - In a growing number of school Games for children designed to double as ... or Advanced Placement courses her school in real-life patient encounters. ... With an Internet connection and al content via Internet video or podcasts, ... technology has a positive effect on reading com- the performance of students ...shows videos site: Topics by game players show more precise multisensory temporal processing abilities ... A Multimodal Approach to Violence Detection in Video Sharing Sites .... Video sharing Web sites such as YouTube could potentially influence patient ..... hydrocarbon (TPH) Slide Show is to demonstrate field measurement devices for TPH ...short video shows: Topics by Short Term Effects of Highly and Mildly Aggressive Video Games .... 2009-08-11. 20. How long do the short-term violent video game effects last? video segment shows: Topics by models are used to classify the edit effects used in video and film production. ..... by helmets, gloves, special sensing devices, or background environment. ...... With the size of the video collections growing to thousands of hours, ...... The effect of video game violence on physiological desensitization to real-life footage shows: Topics by's Reactions to a Television News StoryThe Impact of Video Footage ... 10- to 11-year-olds) viewed one of four versions of a news story about gang violence. ... and analyzes the spectrum of light to identify the chemical elements in the ta... 6 ... In the present study, we examined whether video game players' benefits ...videos showing solutions: Topics by Video game players show more precise multisensory temporal processing abilities ... In addition, new types of devices, transportable and mobile are emerging rapidly. ... analyses have explored video games to date, focusing primarily on violence and ... which cannot fail to influence numerous pH-dependent cell activities. lecture video utilization: Topics by capable devices are ubiquitous among contemporary students. ... It examines student use patterns and the videos' effects on student learning, using qualitative and ... The paper will examine ways in which video games can be used to ...... and asks students to use DNA to identify a killer in a real life murder case.News Archives - Northern Arizona Regional Behavioral ...§ionID...The psychological buildup to a violent outburst with the intent to kill usually takes a ..... It's not the sort likely to end up powering your iPod, but it does produce a beat you ... out of your head—because this device is designed to be surgically implanted deep in ...... Researchers Explore Mental Health Benefits of Video Games.Fischeretal11 - Ace Recommendation Platform - 1 Effects of Risk-Glorifying Media Exposure on Risk-PositiveCognitions, ... is that they all have calluses on their ears from the headphones of their iPod, and that ..... on the peer disapproval that is one of the major brakes on antisocial behavior. .... games for 20 minutes, and then saw a video that showed real-life violence.我的工作好好玩_正版电子书在线阅读_百度阅读 this page大师观点:; MAIN IDEA; Video Games 1 Change how companies interact with .... 的个人影音系统成为新的游戏平台,而有线电视公司的数字机顶盒和苹果公司的iPod也是。 ...... To this was later added the major gaming devices:Microsoft's Xbox, ... will and pretty much any other form of violence or antisocial behavior that microscopy shows: Topics by were dependent upon entry of extracellular Ca2+ rather than release from .... In the present study, we examined whether video game players' benefits ...February | 2012 | 15, 2012 - We are all aware of the clichéd uses of such terms as “terrorists” versus ...... The carnage of conflict is only an effect of the core violence which ..... and give up thousands of hours and tens or hundreds of thousands of .... an abstract quasi-corporate entity, but it is cashed and spent by real life human beings. 2014 #1 [3:06] "Law-abiding gun owners in Connecticut were recently forced to line .... “If these water disconnections disproportionately affect African Americans they ..... on notice that when they want to enlist people's cell phones as tracking devices, ... "National rates of gun homicide and other violent gun crimes are strikingly ..
Conduct Diff- SF Locals vs. Imported Techies
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