10/25/2017 UPDATE: See This Blog Page For Links to Articles About Harm Caused and Safety & Health Threatened by Over Use of Cell Phones, Androids, Hand Held Devices to children, people, pets, babies and the community -- https://sfawareness.blogspot.com/p/more-about.html
Original Posting - October 3, 2017 3:30pm:
Our peers have been observing the conduct and behavior of all kinds of people, traffic, distracted drivers, Uber/Lyft Rideshare Drivers at the intersection of 16th & Valencia Streets, for over five years now -- four to six hours a day.

While hanging out, we document and highlight hazards to our safety as a direct result of gentrification and deployment of renegade 'high tech' delivery/ride share agents who have negatively impacted our neighborhood(s).
One thing we noticed that really makes us angry is to see folks walking dogs, pushing strollers with babies in them, being TOTALLY IGNORED.

Instead of making eye contact, laughing, talking to or touching the babies and pets with constant love, caring and attention -- the babies and pets being ignored look lonely and sad.
We often see the same pets and babies (and young children) passing by us every day and the Addiction Power of the devices result in abandonment and neglect of the pets and children.
You can SEE THE SADNESS of being ignored in their eyes.
You can SEE THE SADNESS of being ignored in their eyes.

Check yourself or your baby/pet sitters to SEE if your loved ones are being ignored or not.

Make sure your babies, children and pets are being well taken care of or they will likely suffer mental or physical ailments and depression because they FEEL like they are being ignored.
We've thought about asking for donations from pet and baby owners who pay others to walk them up and down the Valencia and 16th Street area to have us watch to see how often their baby or pet is being ignored by their walkers.

We do this because your pet or baby could be developing issues (abandonment) while in the care of the walkers and you don't even know it.
You may blame other people or elements in their lives or take actions to 'fix them' that are un-necessary.
All that is required for our pets and babies to stay sane and healthy and to 'grow up right' is to be LOVED and PAID ATTENTION TO without having to compete with distractive devices that DIVIDE us all from each other.

For the sake of our collective future, DO NOT make using distractive devices a habit that can't be put down when you are around other humans, pets, animals and children.
The babies, pets and humans around you need our attention while they are physically present because it means their presence is more important than your next video game, phone call or text message.
Be Here Now.
If you have other people walking your dogs or babies, think about following them on their walks from behind to see if they spend more time on their phones and text devices than they do with your loved ones.
Be Here Now.
If you have other people walking your dogs or babies, think about following them on their walks from behind to see if they spend more time on their phones and text devices than they do with your loved ones.
You may be shocked to see how often they are being ignored.... or worse they may be physically abused or harmed while their Walker is distracted....
The Worst Case of Abuse of A Pet -- By Cell Phone Distraction -- to The Extreme !
One day we saw an 'upscale' looking lady walking a small dog while glued to her android device.
Every time the dog stopped for a second to pee on a pole or sniff out a tree (with their body on trailing side of the object and leash leading forward around the pole to the walker's hand) the lady would pause for one second or two -- then jerk the leash (without even looking up from the android) hard to make the dog walk.
Every time she jerked the leash (in tug, tug, tug motion) the dog's head and body would smash into the pole or tree and make the dog fall down on the sidewalk and then 'scramble' to get up on its paws as the lady kept tugging (without looking) until the dog moved forward again.
Every time the dog stopped for a second to pee on a pole or sniff out a tree (with their body on trailing side of the object and leash leading forward around the pole to the walker's hand) the lady would pause for one second or two -- then jerk the leash (without even looking up from the android) hard to make the dog walk.
Every time she jerked the leash (in tug, tug, tug motion) the dog's head and body would smash into the pole or tree and make the dog fall down on the sidewalk and then 'scramble' to get up on its paws as the lady kept tugging (without looking) until the dog moved forward again.
She was totally unaware that she wasn't letting the dog have any quality time to sniff or pee and she was causing the dog physical discomfort and pain by being banged up against nearly every pole, parking meter and tree for two blocks on Valencia.
We confronted her while she was banging the dog's head on a pole and she DENIED IT while she was doing it !!
We said LOOK, LOOK at your leash hand and dog right now.....
She looked and saw her hand jerking the leash back and forth as usual and SAW how the dog's head and body were being banged up against the light pole, as we called her attention to it.... SHE WAS STUNNED! SHE HAD NO CLUE!
The encounter with that lady was a real eye opener.

Never underestimate the ability of machines to negatively impact your life and the lives, health and safety of the living things around you.
For myself and my peers, we no longer spend more than a half hour a day using hand held devices. I check for text every 4 hours for about 10 minutes each check in.
Now, I don't use a cell phone, only wifi. I leave my android OFF while out and about and only turn it on to check in for messages as stated above.
It feels great to spend more time seeing and interacting with the people and things around me like I used to do... before everyone became addicted to these divisive devices.
Less stress and lower blood pressure too as I spend most of my time laughing with babies and petting dogs (and cats) and being here and now with all the people around me.
Many of them also have recognized 'the addiction' and have stopped using their phones all the time.
Be Safe and Pay Attention to Your Self AND the People and Life Around You.
Everything matters -- Every MOMENT MATTERS when it comes to a young pet or baby's lives.... don't waste it on an addiction to these hideous devices, that cause Cell Phone Abandonment Issues.
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