Monopolies? Government Controlled By The Elite in Banking, Technology, Global Trade and War ?
Control over Transportation, Finance, Free Choice of Using Gold or Silver ?
Abuse of the Common People. Low Wages, Poor Living Conditions with Immense Corporate Profits and Lavish Elite Lifestyles.
Banking and Mortgage Frauds, Use of Police Force Against The People in Protest and Striking Union Members?
Deep Roots of Occupy ? Deep Roots of Corporate Takeover of Our Governments.

As Wall Street Bankers, J.P. Morgan and Carnegie Families Create Monopolies, Impoverish Amercians and Create Depression -- Women like Mary Elizabeth Lease, rose up against BOTH Corrupted Democratic & Republican Political Parties, to bring all Exploited, Poor, Irish, Jews, Scotts, African Americans, Steel Workers, Farmers, together, as one Party.
One Family of Real Freedom Fighters against Povery, known as the People's Party or the Populist Party.
One Family of Real Freedom Fighters against Povery, known as the People's Party or the Populist Party.
More to be added later.
Research The People's Party and The First Great Depression of the 1890's and Police Violence used to break unions is taking place and see how patterns of impoverisment and corporate monopolies give rise to third parties in our nation.
Here's a link to more about a great Irish Speaker For Hire (rabblerouser with a loud, clear voice and memory for speeches without paper) named Mary Elizabeth Lease who led All Of Our People to War against The Bankers and Elite of Wall Street, to FREE ALL THE PEOPLE !
We must learn from all Great Role Models and LINK Past to Present and NOT hide all traces of our past with symbolic destrcution of all things that remind us of past transgressions of our peoples' right and liberties. Annotate them with facts and add to them for better understanding but do not let the Digital Elite to wipe out all physical representations of our history.
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